CSCF: Infrastructure Technology Internal Notes

Vision Statement

Proactively providing flexible technical services to meet specialized STEM (teaching, research and admin) demands mandated by the School of Computer Science


The mandate of the group is to provide full life-cycle management for specialize technology infrastructure and services used by the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science .

This mandate includes current operation and future evolution of technology infrastructure to meet our School's service level objectives.


Limited by the availability of the group's staff and equipment resources:

  1. Insure the foundational set of services mandated by the "School of Computer Science (CS)" that its members can sponsor access to and others (primarily the CSCF "Research and Special Projects (RSG)" and "Teaching and Operations (TOP)" groups) can build on.
  2. Build infrastructure with technology based on open standards and scalable redundant peer-reviewed designs.
  3. Prefer modern automatable "fire-proof" substructures rather than building better "fire-trucks", "unicorns" or fight individual "fires".
  4. Resources are prioritised based on general need (size of potential user base), reliability, robustness, security, scalability, reduction of staff maintenance time, performance, ergonomics, and monetary cost.
  5. Setups are documented for others to replicate and/or build upon.


Major areas of responsibility are:

  1. Guidelines and Practices
  2. Budgeting for the "Managed Technology-based Systems and Supporting Infrastructure"
  3. Automated monitoring that includes strong service level indicators demonstrating if service level objectives are being meet.
  4. Renovations, Technology aspects and their integration.
  5. Electronic Physical security
  6. Meeting and Seminar Rooms Technology
  7. Teaching Labs (graphics and real-time specialty labs, general-use Mac and Linux labs)
  8. Data Centres and CS dedecated rack space
  9. Network cabling and services augmentation
  10. Computing Systems
  11. Servers and network storage pools
  12. Private-cloud service (container and full hypervisor virtual hosts)
  13. Course application availability
  14. Infrastructure applications
  15. Oversight of out-sources services